About me


Pablo Compagnucci in art pablo pinxit is an argentinian-italian artist who was born in La Plata, Argentina in 1964.
He has attended two architectural schools: Universidad de La Plata and Politecnico di Milano.
Pablo has exhibited his work in multiple galleries and museums


His work flows in a labyrinth of languages, themes, and techniques being the pictorial collage his main imprint.
He is interested in the boundary zones, the limits, the conflict areas, and the point where they vanish; being the journey a constant element in this path…


Pablo Compagnucci in art pablo pinxit is an argentinian-italian artist who was born in La Plata, Argentina in 1964.
He has attended two architectural schools: Universidad de La Plata and Politecnico di Milano.
Pablo has exhibited his work in multiple galleries and museums


His work flows in a labyrinth of languages, themes, and techniques being the pictorial collage his main imprint.
He is interested in the boundary zones, the limits, the conflict areas, and the point where they vanish; being the journey a constant element in this path…